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How to Change Strings on the GS Mini Bass

The Taylor GS Mini Bass features custom strings that were designed exclusively for the unique properties of this instrument. The strings are D’Addario GS Mini Bass Custom Light (.037-.050-.062-.090”), featuring a multifilament core wound with D’Addario’s EXP-coated phosphor bronze wrap wire for long-lasting tone and projection. Because of the shorter scale length (23.5 inches) and other proprietary design features, no other strings can be used. Doing so could potentially damage the instrument.

You can purchase replacement strings directly from our online TaylorWare store (visit or through any Authorized Taylor Dealer that sells the GS Mini Bass.

Loosen and remove the old strings.

Position yourself comfortably to change the strings. A workbench is ideal; sitting on a sofa and resting the neck of the guitar on the sofa arm is another option. Loosen each string to a point where there’s a decent amount of slack. 

3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 1
Fig. 1. Grasp the string near the bridge and push it down into the bridge. This will release the pin and allow you to easily remove it without needing a tool. Remove and discard the old strings.
Optional: Clean the fretboard.

Having the fretboard exposed gives you a great opportunity to clean your fretboard. Cover the soundhole with a towel and clean the fretboard with 0000 gauge steel wool. You can rub pretty hard without damaging the fretboard, but be careful not to let the steel wool touch the body. If the fretboard looks dry, consider treating it with fretboard conditioning oil. We suggest using our Taylor Fretboard Oil or boiled linseed oil. A small amount applied to a rag and wiped over the wood is all it takes. Once your fretboard is clean and properly conditioned, it’s time to re-string.

Before You Re-String:

Avoid kinking the strings in any way throughout the restringing process. Kinks can hamper the performance of the strings.

Secure the new strings in the bridge pin holes.

Insert the ball end of each string into the bridge pin hole, keeping the ball end toward the back of the bridge.

Notice the unique dual-prong bridge pin design. This will allow the ball end of the strings to be secured against the back side of the pin (facing the tail end of the guitar) rather than the front side facing the neck. Only one side of the pin is hollowed out below the head. This side should face the neck. The other side has a slight contour/indent.

3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 2
Fig. 2. This side should face the tail end of the guitar. This is where the ball end of the string will seat.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 3
Fig. 3. Set the string in the hole, insert the pin at the proper orientation so the prongs straddle the string, and then pull the string toward the neck.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 4 flipped
Fig. 4. This bit of tension will open up the prongs and lock the string against the back of the bridge pin as you maintain some tension. The ball end will cradle into the contour/indent on the back of the pin. Repeat this process for the other strings.
Secure the strings to the tuner posts and tune.

IMPORTANT: Because of the custom nature of the GS Mini Bass strings — they have a soft and flexible stranded nylon core wrapped with a proportionately heavy wrap wire — do not tug on the strings to stretch them so they settle into proper pitch. This can actually distort their profile and cause poor intonation and unusual fret noises. Instead, you’ll want to gently encourage the string to seat in three locations: at the tuner post, at the nut, and at the saddle. 

3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 5
Fig. 5. Notice that the tuner posts have a slot and a hole in the center.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 6
Fig. 6. Cut the string about three inches past the tuner to give yourself enough length for about two windings around the post
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 7
Fig. 7. Insert the string fully into the hole until it bottoms out. Bend the string over toward the inside of the headstock.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 8
Fig. 8. Hold the string in place with your fingers while turning the tuner in a counterclockwise direction to tune it to pitch.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 9
Fig. 9. You want the windings to go downward as you tune. Tune the remaining strings to pitch.
Seat the strings and retune.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 10
Fig. 10. At the tuners, gently push the string toward the post
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 11
Fig. 11. Next, gently press each string down in front of the nut at the first fret.
3019 GSM Bass restring Fig 12
Fig. 12. Gently press each string down in front of the saddle to give it a nice break over the top of the saddle. Retune and play!
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