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Understanding Acoustic Guitar Model Numbers

Taylor acoustic guitar models are organized by series, from 100 - 900 along with our Presentation (PS) and Koa (K) Series. Learn how to understand our numbering system, by viewing our quick guide.

The First Digit

The first digit (or letter) identifies the Series. Most guitar models within each series share the same back and side woods and appointment package.

516ce = A 500 Series model

The Second Digit

The second digit designates two things:
1. Whether the guitar is a 6-string or a 12-string
2. Whether the top features a softer tonewood like spruce or cedar, or a hardwood like mahogany or koa.

The middle number will be 1 or 2:
516ce = softwood (spruce) top
526ce = a hardwood (mahogany) top

The middle number will be 5 or 6:
556ce = a softwood (spruce) top
566ce = a hardwood (mahogany) top

The Third Digit

The third digit identifies the body shape according to this numbering system:

0 = Dreadnought (e.g., 510ce)
1 = Grand Theater (e.g., 511ce)
2 = Grand Concert (e.g., 512ce)
4 = Grand Auditorium (e.g., 514ce)
6 = Grand Symphony (e.g., 516ce)
7 = Grand Pacific (e.g., Builder's Edition 517e)
8 = Grand Orchestra (e.g., 518ce)


Cutaway & Electronics

If a "c" comes after the number it indicates a model with a cutaway. An "e" indicates a model with onboard electronics.

516ce = model with cutaway and electronics
510e = model with electronics, no cutaway
510 = model with no cutaway, no electronics

Nylon Strings

Taylor nylon-string models are integrated into the 200-800 Series and are designated by the letter “N” at the end of the model name.

514ce-N = 500 Series nylon-string Grand Auditorium with a cutaway and electronics

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