At Taylor, playing comfort has always been an essential design focus. When a guitar feels better, we tend to play better. Our armrest designs create an ergonomic contour on the lower bout of the guitar body where your picking/strumming arm typically rests, enhancing the relationship between you and the guitar and allowing you to play in a more relaxed way. It can also reduce the damping effect of your strumming arm if you normally rest your arm on the soundboard when you play. We first introduced our armrest as a premium feature for our most refined guitars, including the Presentation and 900 Series, but we’ve since expanded its use to other areas of the Taylor line.
We build two styles of armrests: beveled and radiused.
Taylor Armrest Styles
Beveled Armrest
The beveled armrest is our more widely used and most recognizable design, thanks to its more visible carved surface. You’ll see the beveled armrest crafted from a variety of materials, depending on the series. On higher-end models like the Presentation and 900 Series, you’ll find a luxurious gloss-finish ebony armrest edged with beautiful detailing.
You’ll also find a simplified version of the beveled armrest on our more modestly priced Academy Series guitars. The goal was to create the most physically inviting playing experience for entry-level players to make a great first impression. Starting out on a more comfortable guitar--when playing comfort arguably matters most--increases the likelihood that a player will enjoy the experience and stick with it.
Radiused Armrest
Our radiused armrest is a slightly more subtle design, featuring a narrower and rounder softening of the edge in the lower bout area. Like the beveled design, these armrests can be fashioned from a variety of tonewoods, such as the beautiful rosewood variety featured with 800 Deluxe Series models.