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How to Protect Yourself from Counterfeit Taylor Guitars

Avoid These Possible Counterfeit Taylor Sellers

Taylor Guitars is committed to doing everything we can to stop the sale and distribution of counterfeit guitars. If you suspect that you have found a seller offering counterfeit Taylor products, please email us at

We also work to maintain an active list of suspicious websites and counterfeit sellers claiming to offer genuine Taylor guitars. We strongly advise that you avoid purchasing guitars from:


Growing Demand = A Growing Counterfeit Problem

Due to the quality of Taylor guitars and the growing appeal of the Taylor brand, there is increasing international demand for our products. Unfortunately, one consequence of our success is an increase in the manufacture and sale of counterfeit Taylor guitars globally.

Where Do Counterfeit Taylor Guitars Come From?

These counterfeit products are primarily made in Asia, by factories that may even claim to be OEM or authorized factories. These claims are all false. Taylor does not manufacture any guitars in Asia. Taylor only manufactures guitars in El Cajon, California and Tecate, Mexico.

On Which Websites Are Counterfeit Taylor Guitars Sold?

We’ve received reports from Taylor customers all over the world about sellers offering allegedly “brand new, genuine Taylor products” at substantially lower-than-market prices through various websites. Counterfeit guitars have even been advertised on many well-known sites across the globe including Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, Alibaba, Aliexpress, and Taobao. Be careful of sellers who justify an extremely low price by claiming it was a gift or part of an inheritance that they just want to sell, or other similar stories often used to deceive prospective buyers.

Rule of thumb: If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Many Reasons to Protect Yourself from Counterfeit Taylor Guitars

While some counterfeiters may attempt to match some of the specs of actual Taylor models in an effort to pass them off as genuine to the untrained consumer, these imposters are never built to the exacting standards that produce Taylor’s unrivaled playability and sound. Also, many counterfeit Taylor guitars have been found to be made from illegally obtained wood and second-rate materials, include faulty electronics, made with toxic and hazardous chemicals, and even manufactured in factories violating fair labor practices.

How to Avoid Getting Scammed

One of the best things you can do to protect yourself against counterfeiters is purchase your Taylor guitar from an authorized Taylor dealer. Otherwise, the likelihood of purchasing a counterfeit is greatly increased. Also, be sure to look for trademarked designs such as the Taylor peghead shape and Taylor logo, the bridge design and the pickguard design.

How Taylor Can Help

If you need help verifying the authenticity of a Taylor guitar you’re considering purchasing, email our Customer Service department. Be sure to include the serial number of the guitar or links to online photos so we can properly evaluate it. In the U.S. and Canada, you can also call 1-800-943-6782 for assistance. In Japan, you can call 0561-50-5025 or email Outside these areas, please call 1-619-258-1207. Our service team will be happy to help you validate the authenticity of the guitar you are considering purchasing.