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Contact Us

Address and Email


Taylor Guitars
1980 Gillespie Way
El Cajon, CA 92020



Maroastraat 113
1060 LG Amsterdam, Netherlands

+31 (0)20 667 6033
International Dealer Directory


Support Hours of Operation

USA: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Pacific Standard Time, except for national holidays and company vacations.

Europe: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Central European Time, except for national holidays and company vacations.

Taylor Guitars Visitor Center

Our Visitor Center, located at our U.S. Headquarters in El Cajon, California (1980 Gillespie Way), features a guitar showroom with a wide variety of Taylor guitar models available to play and compare, along with TaylorWare merchandise for purchase.

Visitor Center Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday-Friday, Pacific Standard Time.

Factory Tours

We currently offer two public tours per week on Fridays at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Online pre-registration is required to reserve a spot on the tour. For more information and to make a reservation, go to our Factory Tours page.

Contact Us List
Questions and Assistance

Submit non service-related questions or comments. Please visit our Support section for help with service and repair.

Guitar Advice and Repairs

Taylor's experts are available to help with repairs, maintenance, finding the right guitar, and more via phone or email during business hours, or visit our Support section.

Taylor Careers

View a listing of our current employment opportunities with Taylor Guitars.

Artist Relations

If you'd like to pursue an artist relationship with Taylor, please submit your request online. Due to high volume, we are only able to respond to those receiving final consideration.

Free Factory Tours

Curious to see what goes into crafting a world-class Taylor guitar? Visit our factory headquarters in El Cajon, California, for a free guided tour.

Guitar Registration and Benefits

Register your Taylor guitar to receive exclusive owner-only benefits like a free subscription to Wood&Steel magazine, offers and discounts, faster service, and more.

Donations & Sponsorships

Taylor is dedicated to numerous organizations and charities, including the Guitars for Schools program in San Diego. We do consider other charitable causes when possible and ask that requests be submitted online at least six weeks prior.  Due to high volume, we are only able to respond to those receiving final consideration.

Change Of Address

Need to change your address in our systems for repairs, Wood&Steel mailings, or other reasons?  Just submit your request using our online form to have your address updated.