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Meet Taylor Artists

Taylor is proud to support musicians of all styles at all levels of success. Discover how our guitars contribute to a wide range of expression by this family of passionate artists.

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Taylor Musical Artists

Our acoustic guitars have inspired musicians around the world to pursue their dreams, and we’re proud that some of our guitars have helped so many artists create music. Some of these belong to the Taylor family of artists, creators from all backgrounds who have forged a special connection with Taylor Guitars and our instruments. Our artists come from all over the world and play in virtually every style and genre—traditional singer-songwriters, country artists, blues players, jazz guitarists, classical musicians, even hard rockers and metal players all play and create on their Taylor guitars.

Because we believe in supporting artists in all stages of their careers, we do not pay our artists financially, instead choosing to focus our efforts on creators who are just climbing the difficult slope to success in the music business. Though our roster of partner musicians includes major contemporary artists such as Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Zac Brown, and Jason Mraz, we also work closely with Taylor players who are working hard to share their music with a larger fanbase. Songwriters like Daria Musk and Jade Bird have played Taylors on their records and on tour, while others like Steph Johnson and Mimi Fox are actively involved in Taylor-produced events.

All of our artists have worked hard to establish their musical platform, and we’re proud to partner with musicians who innovate in their music as we do in our guitar-making. If you are an artist who is interested in forming a relationship with Taylor, contact us and tell us what you’re all about.