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Luca Tarqua

Born in Cape Town, Luca spent the first years of his life in the South African harbor town. In his early childhood years, he and his family moved to London. During his early teens, they relocated for a small town in Switzerland. By constantly being on the road, Luca got to know and draw inspiration from diverse aspects of people and cultures, which have made his life very colorful. All the different perspectives the diverse ways of making beats, melodies and lyrics from the southern tip of Africa, to England or the European continent, to the sounds from America, shaped him personally and with that, also shaped his music.

Luca’s had the honor to work with industry leaders and Grammy award winners like Rodney Jerkins and Andre Meritt, during which time Luca sharpened his writing and creative skills. Over the past four years the he wrote more than 150 songs. His debut track “Hurt But I Love You” displays his compassionate side and lets him empty his soul from everything between heartbreak and euphoria. There’s no question: Luca absolutely sings what is felt in his heart and can’t wait to finally show the world all of it.


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