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Engelmann Spruce

Engelmann has a mature tone and yields a slightly richer midrange than Sitka.

Engelmann Spruce

Origin: Western North America

Used On: The 700 Series, 510ce, 516ce, DN7, Limited Editions, Custom Guitars

Engelmann is also known as white, European or German spruce, although they are technically different species. It is usually visually distinguishable from Sitka by its creamier complexion. We're almost out of the “good stuff.” Engelmann trees these days are so small and twisted that we get a fair amount of runout (grain that doesn't run parallel to the surface) and as a result, mismatched tops.

Sonically, Engelmann has a mature tone, and yields a slightly richer midrange than Sitka, which makes a guitar sound a bit older. Old growth Engelmann tends to have a sonic attribute of smoothness or refinement to it, but the days of older growth Engelmann trees are essentially gone for now.

Goes Well With: All styles of guitars and players.